What is Hotter: A Lightning Bolt or the Sun? – The Fact a Day – #62
In today's fact we learn about Lightning! Mr. Toes teaches us about how hot a lightning bolt can get in comparison to the sun.
In today's fact we learn about Lightning! Mr. Toes teaches us about how hot a lightning bolt can get in comparison to the sun.
In today's fact we learn about Christmas Trees! Mr. Toes teaches us how long evergreen firs have been used for winter festivals and where the tradition of Christmas Trees first started.
In today's fact we learn about the Yule Log! Mr. Toes teaches us where the Yule Log comes from and how it was originally used.
In today's fact we learn about Air vs Gravity! Mr. Toes teaches us about how air can control the speed at which something is dropped on earth.
In today's fact we learn about Trees! Mr. Toes teaches us why snow is an important part of winter for trees.
In today's fact we learn about Autumn! Mr. Toes teaches us about why we have different seasons like Summer, Spring, Fall & Winter
In today's fact we learn about Natures Wonders! Mr. Toes teaches us about Robin Hood and where his tree hideout was located and just how old the tree itself is.
In today's fact we learn about Sloths! Mr. Toes teaches us when International Sloth Day is, what it is, and why it is an important day.
In today's fact we learn about Flowers! Mr. Toes teaches us about Lavender and the effects its scent has on the human body.